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A quest for the top of the podium.\u00a0 If you know me, I am not the most talented athlete, but I will train hard & not give up.\u00a0 I believe in my coach & the training program.\u00a0 Even if I disagree with the volume of running the past few months, I managed to stay mostly injury free.\u00a0 This is part of the challenge I enjoy, going through the process of a training build where I learn more about myself & what I am capable of.\u00a0 To maintain health & excitement in a challenging block of training is not easy, but somehow it worked.\u00a0 During an 11-week build I had 3 of those weeks with over 51mi of running & an average of 22hrs a week of training.<\/p>\n

The Build Up:<\/h4>\n

For 5 weeks we needed to be in Boise, which I was nervous about during fire season in August.\u00a0 The environment was fantastic for Jono (my hubby) & me to be home with late summer heat often into the 100s & some altitude.\u00a0 Along with easier training logistics, less driving, friends to join me for long workouts & family nearby, it made for an enjoyable block.\u00a0 A good reminder that a ‘happy athlete’ is a fast athlete.<\/p>\n

My final prep was in California thanks to the Golan Family who generously hosted us in their peaceful casita in the Bay Area.\u00a0 My final race was Ironman 70.3 Santa Cruz<\/a> in September alongside a few athletes.\u00a0 This was a successful weekend for us all & I executed a half-marathon PR that day.\u00a0 Although confidence was high, it was easy to get complacent & I was reminded that I still had a few weeks of key sessions & more heat training to accomplish.<\/p>\n

We arrived on the Big Island 12 days before race day, allowing us plenty of time to acclimate, fit in some long rides & runs a& nd a practice swim on the race course a few days out.\u00a0 Workouts were all completed without issues, meals & nutrition were on-point & I was feeling relaxed.\u00a0 As race week began, we moved from the busy town of Kona up into the cooler hills of Kaloko, a little bit of a drive, but very relaxing.\u00a0 I also brought over to Hawaii my Ooler Sleep pad<\/a> just to make sure I could stay cool at night & recover from hard sessions.\u00a0 Two days out, I somehow felt a rib in my thoracic vertebrae slip out of place.\u00a0 It was painful breathing while swimming & I could definitely feel it when running.\u00a0 Fortunately, Jono managed to help with mobility & the pain was gone by race day.<\/p>\n

Prior to race day, I read an inspiring book (Wooden on Leadership:\u00a0 How to Create A Winning Organization<\/a>) & watched an inspiring series (Ted Lasso<\/a>) that made me laugh.\u00a0 It helped alleviate the pressure which can be challenging to handle due to the race course conditions & the level of athletes.\u00a0 The constant reminder I had to myself was to respect the conditions & to fuel.\u00a0 About 1 week out from the race there was an update in our Athlete Guide that 10 aid stations would be removed (6 from the bike course & 4 from the run course).\u00a0 My immediate response was:\u00a0 ‘THAT IS A LOT!\u00a0 I made some changes to my run hydration plan in order to adjust.’\u00a0 My bike plan pretty much stayed the same though with 2 frozen bottles of Breakthrough Nutrition<\/span><\/a> in Special Needs & making sure to grab 2 bottles at every bike aid station.<\/p>\n

Race Breakdown:<\/h4>\n

BOOM!\u00a0 The horn goes off (only the pros get the cannon).<\/p>\n

I lined up in the front row & immediately found myself in the lead for approximately 05min.\u00a0 After a bit, swimmers from my left came over & I counted 4 people…so I figured I was in around 5th place.\u00a0 I had no one to draft off of & nobody in my Age Group (AG) passed me so I figured it was going to be a solo day.\u00a0 I relaxed & settled into finding my rhythm, stroke pull & relaxed kick for maximum efficiency & minimal fatigue.\u00a0 I eventually started passing other waves & exited the water with many women.\u00a0 Upon entering T1 (the transition area to get bike gear) my sunglasses arm broke off.\u00a0 I was not about to go all day without glasses!\u00a0 Luckily a volunteer fixed them while I ate a banana & within a few minutes I was ready to run out to my bike.<\/p>\n

Off I went passing a number of women, but very consciously shifting with ease, staying light on the pedals & working hard to not go guns a-blazing in the first few miles (like I’ve done in the past).\u00a0 I focused on rehydrating & keeping my cadence high.\u00a0 I arrived at Queen K<\/a> where the highway has never-ending rolling terrain which you can see for miles ahead of you.\u00a0 Then, as the day heated up, the lava fields start to feel like you are riding through a furnace.\u00a0 However, the wind was not yet too strong & occasional cloud covers brought respites from the heat.\u00a0 I reflected upon my numerous Boise summer rides in over 100F…which felt far more challenging.\u00a0 I thought to myself, today was just another long training session with a breeze & plenty of rabbits out front to chase.\u00a0 After a couple hours I climbed up to Hawi, finally putting down a bit more power after a conservative approach.\u00a0 At one point I reached up to my face to apply some sunscreen & felt what I thought was sand.\u00a0 ‘How in the world do I have sand on my cheeks???’\u00a0 ‘Oh my, it’s salt caked to my skin!’\u00a0 After grabbing my special needs electrolyte bottles, I continued to eat more & make sure I was doing everything in my control to stay on top of nutrition & fluids.\u00a0 I even took a few breaks by coasting down a few hills & taking advantage of the tailwind.<\/p>\n

Attitude Is Everything:<\/h4>\n

As I rode back towards Kona, I was overtaken.\u00a0 I was eating & either I didn’t come out of the draft zone quick enough or the athlete slowed too quickly.\u00a0 As a result, I was only 3 bike lengths back, instead of the required 6 bike lengths.\u00a0 Because I was focused on my goal of riding smoothly & as steadily as possible, I didn’t surge to pass…and I was issued a Blue Card.\u00a0 Being issued a Blue Card by an official means that you are required to sit in the next penalty tent for 05 min.\u00a0 Most athletes are angry, upset & they stand waiting with their bike in the penalty tent.\u00a0 My strategy was different.\u00a0 Because I knew I would be forced to take a ’05min rest break’, I rode a bit harder over the next 20mi as a way to gain some time.\u00a0 As an older athlete, the opportunity to stop & stretch is truly a blessing.\u00a0 During my penalty I consumed all my food, took my cycling shoes off, stretched out my legs, back, hips & laid down to lower my heart rate.\u00a0 Those 05 minutes flew by & with a mile to go I was ready to run & rehydrate after my ‘rest break’!\u00a0 While I believe many things can go wrong in a race, what matters is how you respond to them & how you make that outcome turn to your favor.<\/p>\n

In The Lead:<\/h4>\n

As I lost the lead of the race during my Blue Card ‘rest’ & exited a very busy T2 to start the marathon in 2nd place.\u00a0 Towards the end of Ali’i<\/a> I was overtaken & dropped to 3rd.\u00a0 After glancing at my pace, I knew it was critical to stay hydrated, not get excited & manage my body for the many miles to go.\u00a0 As we turned to run up the steep Palani, I saw the 2nd place gal start to walk before the aid station – a glimpse of hope that I could bring back 2nd!\u00a0 At the top of the hill, I watched her take off again & head off into the distance to where I could barely recognize the kit.\u00a0 I thought:\u00a0 ‘Ok, settle in, relax, form focus & stay on your nutrition.\u00a0 You have a LONG way to go on a hot & boring highway.\u00a0 Just be patient & at least hang onto your spot.’<\/p>\n

The miles ticked away & I continued to hold onto my ice bottle for cooling.\u00a0 I would not let the ice bottle go until around Mile 7 which is where a downhill & a nice ocean breeze come.\u00a0 As I came into the Energy Lab<\/a> (about the marathon halfway mark), I came upon AG friend\/competitor, Amy Farrell<\/span><\/a>, & gave her an encouraging pat on the back (despite her minimal running & no knee cartilage, she looked as strong as ever).\u00a0 She shouted some kind words as well.\u00a0 The next aid station came up before Special Needs & I definitely needed a different snack & another water bottle with my NBS hydration<\/a> mix.\u00a0 While I picked this up, arranged & ate my nutrition, I watched the 1st place gal continue to run further away without grabbing any aid.\u00a0 Running out of the Energy Lab at Mile 17 without a tailwind is tough, but I continued to plug away even with a slower pace.\u00a0 I looked up & noticed I was starting to catch her as she walked, but then she would run & speed away.\u00a0 Patience, I thought.\u00a0 Things could still go very wrong with my body.\u00a0 Once again, she started to walk & I passed her on an uphill holding my best form & not looking back.<\/p>\n

Coming out of the Energy lab I felt it, just after 21 miles, both groins were very tight & seemed like they would cramp.\u00a0 ‘Maybe it’s just soreness’, I thought.\u00a0 Then, out of nowhere, as I approached Hina Lani, 5 km from town I saw Kathy Harris,<\/span><\/a> Erin Green<\/span><\/a> & Jono, my biggest supporter!\u00a0 He said, ‘You have 1:30, on 2nd but you need to continue to go’.\u00a0 That, along with the positive mantras in my head, was all the encouragement I needed.\u00a0 As I picked up the pace, my adductors screamed at me.\u00a0 I stopped to walk unsure if it was soreness or cramping.\u00a0 I restarted running & focused on consistency, more electrolytes & slowly focused on what I needed to do – keep the best form I could & rally my body to the finish line.\u00a0 Sprinting down Ali’i Drive is like no other race experience.\u00a0 The crowds are overwhelming, loud & they encourage you on every step.\u00a0 I was in disbelief, yet I believed I could.<\/p>\n

I finished strong & took in the moment & experience.\u00a0 For a non-runner, I had the fastest run time (still not sure how this happened)!<\/p>\n

An incredible thank you to Ironman<\/a> for pulling off a 2-day event in Kona.
\nTo the volunteers who worked endlessly to keep us fed, safe & looked after, thank YOU.
\nTo my support team of:\u00a0
Revolutions In Fitness<\/span><\/a>, Bill Hirai<\/span><\/a>, Kyle Sela<\/span><\/a>, Brandon Trean<\/span><\/a>, Idahome Movement Academy – Home of Audacious CrossFit<\/span><\/a>, Ted Huang<\/span><\/a>, Stacy Sims<\/span><\/a>
\nMy training partners:\u00a0
Erin Green<\/span><\/a>, Kristin Armstrong Savola<\/span><\/a>, Sarah Barber<\/span><\/a>, Jenny Tobin<\/span><\/a>, Mike McCarthy, Alon Golan & Jono Coulter<\/span><\/a> (logging the most miles).
\nMy sponsor partners: \u00a0
Vie \u0190\u0196 Kustom Apparel<\/span><\/a>, ROTOR Bike Components<\/span><\/a>, Blue Competition Cycles<\/span><\/a>, Vittoria Cycling<\/span><\/a>, Tri Town Bicycles<\/span><\/a>,<\/span><\/a>, Breakthrough Nutrition<\/span><\/a> Terun<\/span><\/a>, Snowflake Properties, LLC.
\nTo my coach:\u00a0 Craig Upton & swim coach,
Pete Kain<\/span><\/a>
\nMy Kona Cheering Squad:\u00a0 Erin Green (chef), Jono Coulter (mechanic, chef, masseur, sports director) & Kathy Harris!
\nTo all my athletes:\u00a0 I hope to inspire you more every day.
\nMost importantly, a million thank YOU’s to my husband who does about 10 zillion things for me each day.\u00a0 We were also able to celebrate our anniversary on the big island this year!<\/p>\n

To wrap up the experience, I would like to emphasize how important your ‘team’, your family & surrounding yourself with positive, happy people (not just for training, but for your whole life) is for your success.\u00a0 With a busier year, starting a new business & building a house, it was not easy to manage my time.\u00a0 I could not have done it without all the support.<\/p>\n

I am not the most talented athlete, but I try.\u00a0 The details were dialed in & on race day it all came together to take the victory!<\/p>\n

Previous Kona Ironman World Championships<\/a> Age Group results:
\n1999:\u00a0 35th
\n2012:\u00a0 33rd
\n2014:\u00a0 15th
\n2015:\u00a0 2nd
\n2016:\u00a0 5th
\n2017:\u00a0 3rd
\n2018:\u00a0 4th
\n2021:\u00a0 St. George* 2nd
\n2022:\u00a0 Numero UNO”<\/p>\n","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

“NEVER STOP TRYING. A quest for the top of the podium.\u00a0 If you know me, I am not the most talented athlete, but I will train hard & not give up.\u00a0 I believe in my coach & the training program.\u00a0 Even if I disagree with the volume of running the past few months, I managed<\/p>\n

Read More<\/a><\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":2371,"comment_status":"open","ping_status":"open","sticky":false,"template":"","format":"standard","meta":{"nf_dc_page":"","om_disable_all_campaigns":false,"_exactmetrics_skip_tracking":false,"_exactmetrics_sitenote_active":false,"_exactmetrics_sitenote_note":"","_exactmetrics_sitenote_category":0,"_monsterinsights_skip_tracking":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_active":false,"_monsterinsights_sitenote_note":"","_monsterinsights_sitenote_category":0,"_uf_show_specific_survey":0,"_uf_disable_surveys":false,"_jetpack_memberships_contains_paid_content":false,"footnotes":""},"categories":[12,3],"tags":[],"class_list":["post-2370","post","type-post","status-publish","format-standard","has-post-thumbnail","hentry","category-guest-contributor","category-training-tip"],"yoast_head":"\n"Never Stop Trying" - A Kona Ironman World Championship Race Report by Liza Rachetto, Coach at Liza Coaching, LLC & Triathlete - Performance High<\/title>\n<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"index, follow, max-snippet:-1, max-image-preview:large, max-video-preview:-1\" \/>\n<link rel=\"canonical\" href=\"https:\/\/\/never-stop-trying-a-kona-ironman-world-championship-race-report-by-liza-rachetto-coach-at-liza-coaching-llc-triathlete\/\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:locale\" content=\"en_US\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:type\" content=\"article\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:title\" content=\""Never Stop Trying" - A Kona Ironman World Championship Race Report by Liza Rachetto, Coach at Liza Coaching, LLC & Triathlete - Performance High\" \/>\n<meta property=\"og:description\" content=\"“NEVER STOP TRYING. 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