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{"id":2418,"date":"2022-12-12T22:45:18","date_gmt":"2022-12-12T22:45:18","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/\/?p=2418"},"modified":"2022-12-13T17:25:04","modified_gmt":"2022-12-13T17:25:04","slug":"think-you-dont-need-fast-twitch-muscles-think-again-by-coach-michelle","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/\/think-you-dont-need-fast-twitch-muscles-think-again-by-coach-michelle\/","title":{"rendered":"“Think You Don’t Need Fast-Twitch Muscles? Think Again!” by Coach Michelle"},"content":{"rendered":"

Ok, you Endurance Athlete…yes, YOU!\u00a0 I know how much you LOVE your long cardio workouts.\u00a0 I know how much you LOVE your mileage.\u00a0 I know how much you LOVE your volume.\u00a0 I too look forward to my long swims & long runs.<\/p>\n

But we’re all getting older.\u00a0 And that means we absolutely need to shift our focus away from all that enduro training & towards training that targets our fast-twitch muscle fibers.<\/p>\n

So why do aging (“aging” = ANYONE over 30 yrs old) athletes need to train their fast-twitch muscles?\u00a0 Oh my…lots of reasons!\u00a0 But first, a quick tutorial on muscle fiber types (for a visual, here’s a good video<\/a>).<\/p>\n

Types of Muscle Fibers<\/h4>\n

Type 1:\u00a0 Slow Oxidative<\/strong> – These fibers aerobically (i.e., oxygen is used) break down glucose (sugar) into lots & lots of ATP (the muscle’s main energy source).\u00a0 They contract slowly & are highly resistant to fatigue.<\/p>\n

Type 2a:\u00a0 Fast Oxidative<\/strong> – These fibers are a combo of Type 1 & Type 2.\u00a0 They use both aerobic & anaerobic (also called “glycolytic”) (i.e. oxygen is not used) means to create ATP.\u00a0 They contract quite strong & fast & will fatigue more quickly than Type 1.<\/p>\n

Type 2b:\u00a0 Fast Glycolytic<\/strong> – These fibers produce ATP at the slowest rate via anaerobic glycolysis.\u00a0 As a result, these fibers have the fastest contractions, but also are the quickest to fatigue.<\/p>\n

Now that we understand the types of muscle fibers a bit better, let’s move on to why fast-twitch fibers are important…especially for athletes as we age.<\/p>\n

Aging & Fast-Twitch Muscles<\/h4>\n
  1. We lose fast-twitch fibers as we age.<\/strong>\u00a0 When you reach your mid-30’s, IF YOU ARE NOT strength training, you will lose 3-8% of your lean muscle mass every 10 years…and that of course includes fast-twitch fibers.\u00a0 In fact, research shows that we will lose more fast-twitch than slow-twitch fibers.\u00a0 While this is a natural aging process, the main reason is this…\u00a0 Question<\/em><\/strong>:\u00a0 When was the last time you did a workout that targeted your fast-twitch muscles?\u00a0 If your answer<\/em> <\/strong>is “More than 1 week ago”…well…if you don’t use them, you will lose them!<\/li>\n
  2. Less fast-twitch fibers = less power & less speed.<\/strong>\u00a0 Most athletes I know (myself included) want to be faster & stronger.\u00a0 We diligently do our long slow workouts…and yes, we do most certainly get faster.\u00a0 But only to a point.\u00a0 To move beyond that threshold, we must train & develop our fast-twitch muscle capacity.\u00a0 Think of it this way:\u00a0 If you get stronger & are able to produce more power, you can move your body faster.\u00a0 It’s really that simple!<\/li>\n
  3. Safety, stability & reaction speed.<\/strong>\u00a0 What’s the #1 thing that you think of when you think about aging?\u00a0 For me…it’s slow movements, it’s people who shuffle, it’s folks with compromised balance & an inability to move quickly.\u00a0 I cringe when I think about what might happen when one of those slower older folks trips on a stair.\u00a0 They’re going down & most likely injuring themselves.\u00a0 Without well-trained fast-twitch muscles, you can’t catch yourself, you can’t adjust quickly enough, your reaction speed will be too slow.\u00a0 You’ll be an injury waiting to happen!<\/li>\n
  4. Increases in body weight…especially belly fat.<\/strong>\u00a0 It’s a well-known phenomenon that we tend to gain weight as we age…especially gals in & around menopause.\u00a0 (Remember that less muscle mass [see #1] = slower metabolism.)\u00a0 And unfortunately, that weight gain often occurs right around the belly.\u00a0 Belly fat is particularly unhealthy because it can be comprised of visceral fat<\/a> which is fat surrounding internal organs.\u00a0 The awesome thing about training your fast-twitch muscles is that this type of training is AWESOME for burning up belly fat & amping up your metabolism!\u00a0 So, the best way to fight the muffin top<\/a>…train those fast-twitch fibers!<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    So…yep…it’s quite important to maintain your fast-twitch muscles.\u00a0 I’m sure your next question is “How exactly do I train them?”\u00a0 Luckily there are multiple ways…each with pros & cons.<\/p>\n

    Ways to Train Your Fast-Twitch Muscles<\/h4>\n

    1. Speed Work\u00a0<\/b>– This is perhaps the most common way that endurance athletes think to train fast-twitch muscles.\u00a0 Although I will say that when endurance athletes tell me they’ve been doing “speed work”…their definition & mine are often different.\u00a0 In my book “speed work” truly means short duration (05-15sec) maximal efforts with long rest intervals.\u00a0 What it is NOT is Tempo work or longer interval training.<\/p>\n

    Pro:<\/em>\u00a0 Direct transfer to actual sport…you’re doing the sport movements only at a very fast rate.\u00a0 Con:<\/em>\u00a0 High level of injury risk if mobility, technique & base aerobic & strength conditioning are not solid.<\/p>\n

    2. Plyometrics<\/strong> – By now most athletes have heard of plyometric (jumping, hopping, bounding, skipping) exercise.\u00a0 These types of movements are focused on explosiveness, speed & power.<\/p>\n

    Pro:<\/em>\u00a0 Fun, high intensity movements that can transfer well to actual sport.\u00a0 Cons:<\/em>\u00a0 Again, high level of injury risk.\u00a0 Careful consideration must be given to which exercises best match the sport(s).\u00a0 A base level of strength is needed prior to starting a plyo program.<\/p>\n

    3. Heavy, Fast Strength Training <\/strong>– The goal is to move heavy weights as fast as possible for a small number of reps (usually 1-6).\u00a0 This is the gym equivalent of sprint training.<\/p>\n

    Pro:<\/em>\u00a0 Usually done with big powerful exercises like Power Cleans<\/a>, Deadlifts, Squats which work multiple muscle groups.\u00a0 Cons:<\/em>\u00a0 High level of injury risk.\u00a0 Must have excellent joint mobility & perfect technique.<\/p>\n

    4. Time Under Tension (TUT) <\/strong>– The exact opposite of #1-3.\u00a0 TUT lifting uses ultra-slow movements to gradually fatigue Type 1, then Type 2a & finally Type 2b fibers.\u00a0 By doing so you can train your fast-twitch muscles with significantly less weight & slow, controlled movement patterns.\u00a0 Key training components of TUT are:<\/p>\n