Four Easy Ways to Eat Healthier

These days diet options are a dime a dozen.  Everywhere you turn someone’s promoting their diet as the latest, greatest & best way to eat.  Current fav’s are:  alkaline, paleo, whole30, rice cake…oh, wait…that last one was from the ‘80’s!  Personally, I think the big food companies benefit when we’re all really confused about what to eat.  The more confused you are, the more likely you’ll reach for something easy…like a frozen pizza!  To clear up some confusion, here are a few simple ideas for eating healthier.  Enjoy!

Eat Your Salad

We all know that adding more veggies to our meals is just
downright good for us.  If you think you’ve eaten salad every possible way,
how about using salad as a sauce?  Make a hearty salad (the kind that will
keep in your fridge for a few days – like beet salad, cucumber & radish
salad, tomato & feta salad – and try these ideas…
– Spooning it, along with all the awesome juices, over greens…it’s like a
salad on a salad!
– Toss it over a hearty grain (like barley or faro) or a pasta
– Use it to top a grilled or baked meat or fish

Eat Healthier

Beans, Beans & More Beans

Sure…you might put beans in your chili…but
how else do you eat them?  Beans are the darling of the health food world
because of their high fiber & protein content, not to mention their low
cost.  To add more beans to your diet, try this quick fix.  Next time you
make a vinaigrette, add some beans (and even some veggies) to it.  Then put
the whole yummy concoction over greens, grains or even toast for a simple,
yet satisfying meal.

Eat Healthier

Lighten Up, But Add Flavor

In many dishes, the flavor comes from added fat
& salt…yummy, but not so healthful.  Remember that “health food” doesn’t
equal bland, tasteless food.  To add flavor to dishes without breaking the
fat/salt bank, try these two tricks…
– Herbs are your best friend.  Add one, add two, add them all for a major
flavor & nutritional boost.  My favs – basil, cilantro, parsley, mint!
– Spices are your next best friend.  Challenge yourself to buy a new spice &
use it in a new dish or two.  If you’ve had Indian, African and/or Asian
food, you know the value of spice.  Spices are…well…the spice of life!

Eat Healthier

The Grain, The Whole Grain & Nothing But the Grain

Typically most of us don’t quite get enough fiber in our diets.  The best way to remedy this is
to eat more fruits & vegetables.  Another way to amp up those whole grains.
Cornmeal, quinoa, barley, & faro are all yummy ways to increase your whole
grain intake.  Don’t forget using whole wheat flour in place of white when
baking.  Other options are subbing in almond flour, rice flour & coconut
flour for a subtly different flavor & texture.  Remember that small changes
here & there add up to significant benefits to your overall health!

Eat Healthier


Coach Michelle

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