A Week in My Life: A Day-by-Day Look
No Comparisons. This is a KEY concept that I try to live by & help my athletes accept.
It’s easy to understand the risks of comparing ourselves to others. We’re all unique individuals which means that what works for one won’t necessarily work the same way for another. And when we compare ourselves to others, we decrease our growth opportunities. Why? Because when we compare, we can feel all sorts of negatives:
- Inadequate
- Lazy
- Jealous
- Envious
- Unworthy
None of which are helpful!!
But there’s another concept which is equally important – Being More Curious. When we ask more questions of ourselves & others, look more closely at the details & engage more deeply in trying to understand ways that are different than ours, we start to feel all sorts of positives:
- Valuable
- Creative
- Excited
- Connected
- Opportunistic
These are all very helpful!
So, it is the spirit of the later that I have done 7 blog posts on “A Week in My Life: A Day-to-Day Look”. When I first considered this series, I thought…who will care! But then I realized that, if a fellow coach or athlete detailed a week in their life, I’d be really interested!! I’d be really curious to see how they…
- Maintain training-work-life balance
- Handle nutrition on a day-to-day basis
- Rest & recover
- Spend their free time
My interest is not about comparing my life to theirs. Rather my curiosity is purely for getting new ideas, broadening my knowledge base & expanding my thoughts on what is possible. I mean…who knows…they might just share something that I’ve never before considered!
Day-by-Day Blog Posts
So, my friends, please read my “A Week in My Life: A Day-by-Day Look” blog posts with genuine inquisitiveness. And if you’d like to chat about any particular part, please feel free to reach out! Let’s all grow together!!
If you missed a particular day…here are the links: