Category Archives: Coach Michelle

“How Do I Know When to Skip a Workout?” by Coach Michelle

#1 Question:  “How do I know when to skip a workout?” Seriously…athletes ask me this question ALL the time.  And truthfully…I ask myself this question ALL the time too. If you’re on a structured training plan (or you’ve ever followed a structured plan), you’ve experienced low motivation, low energy levels, fatigue, tiredness & lethargy.  In

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“Maximizing Downhill Running Benefits” by Guest Contributor, Coach Jeff Kline of Team Prs Fit

“For runners, hills can either be a dream or a nightmare.  We all know that running hills is ‘good for us’, but how many of us actually see those benefits?  If done correctly, hill running can improve muscle strength & running economy.  But…here’s the key phrase:  ‘If done correctly’. As a coach I know that

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“Shoulder Mobility!” by Guest Contributor, Ellen Argo of Treasure Valley Rossiter

Tight shoulders are the bane of our 21st century existence.  Hunching over computers, cell phone & laptops encourages our upper bodies to be forward, tight & rounded.  This poor posture is the exact opposite of what we need to perform well & stay injury-free in our sports. Ellen Argo of Treasure Valley Rossiter has some excellent

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