Category Archives: Training Tip

Creating an Environment for Success

“Suffering & Sacrifice” by Guest Contributor, Antonio Gonzalez, Owner of TriTown Bicycles

People across the country honored the memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King on Monday, 1/17. MLK knew the meaning of sacrifice. He also knew that blind, violent sacrifice would hinder the change he was after. The sacrifice needed was nonviolent, unique, & patient…yet strong. Suffering & sacrifice often go hand in hand. But it’s

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“How to End Knee Pain” by Guest Contributor, Ellen Argo, CEO of Treasure Valley Rossiter

As an athlete moving your body is a huge part of your life.  Keeping your knees healthy is extremely important for long lasting pain-free movement.  When your knees are not moving correctly it’s not a matter of “if”, it’s “when” you will experience injury or pain.  But luckily you can create good movement (and stay pain

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“5 Tips to Avoid & Alleviate Aches & Pains While Traveling” by Guest Contributor, Matt Booth, Clinic Director at Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy Clinic – SE Boise

During all the excitement that comes with traveling adventures, it’s important to care for your body. There’s nothing like neck pain or low back pain to put a damper on a fun trip, or to create a difficult distraction while traveling for work. As a physical therapist, I often hear from patients that they want

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