Gluhwein – German Mulled Wine

I recently visited Stuttgart & experienced the fabulousness of the Christmas Markets.  What a great concept!!  You’re outside in the frosty cold air, eating pretzels, sipping toasty warm mulled wine & shopping.  It’s all good!!  To keep the holiday spirit going I’m bringing homemade gluhwein (it translates to “glow wine”…which is truly how you feel when you drink it!) to my Christmas celebration.  Give a try.  I promise you’ll glow inside & out! Serves 12


  • 2 bottles dry red wine like merlot, zinfandel, or garnacha
  • 2 oranges, sliced
  • 6 cardamom pods
  • 1 t whole allspice
  • 1 t whole cloves
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 4 star anise
  • 1 bag of cranberries
  • 4 T Demerara sugar, sugar, honey or maple syrup
  • Optional Garnishes:  cinnamon stirs, star anise, orange slices
  Bruise your cardamom pods with the back of your knife.  Put all ingredients in a pot over low heat (a crock pot works great for this).  Put a lid on the pot & heat mixture for about 1 hr.  It’s important that the wine doesn’t come to a boil as this will evaporate the alcohol.  Check on the wine occasionally & give it a stir.
When ready to serve, ladle wine into mugs.  Make sure to include some cranberries – they will be quite soft & add a delicious tartness to the drink!  Top with any additional garnishes.  Enjoy!

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