Grilled Corn in Husks

Grilling & summer – they go together like peanut butter & jelly…or gin & tonic…take your pick!  😉  Every summer I look forward to corn-on-the-cob.  And my FAV way to cook it is by far the easiest – grill it, whole in the husk, don’t even shuck it first.  It’s simply the best!  


  • Corn – the freshest you can get! (See below for tips on how to pick great corn.)

When your grill (or campfire) is ready, throw the whole cob right onto direct heat. Rotate the cob every 05min or so. When the husk is uniformly blackened, it’s done!

Let the cob cool a bit. Then peel husk off using towels or oven mitts as necessary. Enjoy all the awesome corn-y goodness!

Here’s how to pick great corn.

  1. Check the husk. You want it to be bright green & wrapped tightly against the corn.
  2. Check the tassel (the silky stuff sticking up out of the top). It should be light brown or gold. If it’s dry or black or feels mushy, the corn is too old.
  3. Squeeze your corn. Instead of peeling back the husk to look at the kernels (this will shorten its shelve-life), give your corn a good squeeze instead. The whole ear should feel firm & the individual kernels should feel plump. If you feel soft spots…avoid it!

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