Mobility Work – Who’s Got That Kind of Time?!

Mobility work – just one more thing you’re supposed to do.  But do you do it?  Like Calvin said in one of my favorite Calvin & Hobbes cartoons: “Who’s got that kind of time?”

Well, I’ll argue that making time for mobility work is one of the best things you can do to FEEL young.  When you think of aging, what comes to mind?  For me it’s stiff, tight old people who teeter when they walk & can’t get out of a chair unassisted.  I’m on a mission to not be “that old person”!  

What exactly is mobility work?  It’s NOT stretching…although stretching is a part of mobility work.  Stretching (either active or passive) improves range of motion (ROM) around a joint.  In contrast, mobility incorporates how efficiently & efficiently multiple joints work together to produce coordinated motion patterns.  While both are important, I suggest that better mobility does more for your overall quality of life than does more stretching.

Let’s take hips as an example.  Many of us are tight in our adductors (inner thigh muscles).  If we’re only working on flexibility, a Butterfly Stretch is great for improving inner thigh flexibility. 

Your basic Butterfly Stretch

If we want to work on mobility though, a Sumo Squat is awesome!  Not only does this exercise stretch the inner thighs, but it also strengthens the glutes, quads & hamstrings.  Because we’re moving in & out of our Sumo Squat we’re improving coordination between all the muscles, ligaments & tendons that make up our lower body joints.  And, as a bonus, we’re improving our balance & proper back posture!  What a way to kill about 5 birds with 1 stone!

How to do a Sumo Squat for improved hip mobility.

So, if you’re interested in saving time (and who isn’t?), then mobility work is for you.  Ten minutes a day, folks.  That’s all it takes.  Ten minutes a day to build a better functioning, stronger, more flexible, more youthful body!  

If you’re interested in a great mobility resource, check out Ready to Run by Dr. Kelly Starrett.  Even if you’re not a runner, this book is fabulous.  It contains a multitude of mobility exercises plus a huge variety of prehab techniques for those never-ending hot spots that continually turn up.  Good luck & good mobility!  

For more info on this fascinating subject, take a listen to my Facebook Live on “Why You Need Mobility Instead of Flexibility”.

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