“You Are an Experiment of One” by Coach Michelle

If you’re like me, you like to be in control.  You want to be in control of your fitness, your health, your schedule, your life!  The trick to feeling “in control” though is to take an experimental approach.  What does an “experimental approach” mean?  It means that you become an Experiment of One.

An Experiment of One – what a novel concept!  Being an Experiment of One requires that we pay attention, track, monitor & objectively analyze the results.  Unfortunately, too few of us think about our routines in this way.  We mindlessly just “do” without a lot of thought as to why, how, might there be a better way and/or are we getting the results that we want.  The problem with this lack of attention is that change happens slowly…so slowly that, if we’re not careful, we won’t even notice it…sometimes until it’s too late.

Here’s a question I often use to help me stay present & aware.

If you stay on your current trajectory for another 10 yrs, will you like where you end up?

It’s really a great question because it’s applicable to so many different scenarios.

Scenario #1:  You’ve gained 10 lbs in the last 10 yrs.  If you gain another 10 lbs in the next 10 yrs, will you be happy with that?

Scenario #2:  You’ve lost mobility in your hips & shoulders over the years.  If this trend continues for the next 10 yrs, will you be at peace with that?

Scenario #3:  You’ve pushed your body so hard that you get significantly injured every couple of years…and those injuries negatively affect your overall fitness (essentially you have to restart fitness-building every time).  If you continue to get multiple significant injuries in the next 10 yrs, will you be satisfied with that?

Scenario #4:   Your blood work has gotten worse in the last couple of years.  If this trend continues for the next 10 yrs, will you be ok with that?

Scenario #5:   Your bone density is now borderline osteopenia.  If this trend continues for the next 10 yrs, will you be content with that?


Not all scenarios need be negative.  How about these?

Scenario #1:  You increased your 1 rep max (1RM) Squat weight by 05 lbs in the last year.  If you increase your 1RM Squat weight 05 lbs / year for the next 10 yrs, how awesome would that be??!!

Scenario #2:  You put 10% of last year’s income into a retirement savings plan.  If you continue to save 10% / year for the next 10 yrs, how cool would that be?


So, what area of your life do you want to become an Experiment of One?  Pick an area…any area.  Then start to define how you’ll track it, how you’ll measure it & what small tweak you’ll make.  Then, after X amount of time, measure it again to see the effects of that tweak.  It’s not difficult…but it does take diligence.

Here’s my example.  About 2 yrs ago I made a dietary change – I cut my carbs back & added in more protein & fat.  And about 1 year ago I added in a bit more saturated fat – butter, red meat, dairy.  Just based on how I feel…these changes have been positive.  But, as an additional check, I’ve been getting blood work done (I have my blood work results going back to 2012) so that I can see what’s changing.  Suffice to say, some components of my blood work have changed for the better…and some components have changed for the worse.  So, it’s time to tweak again!

The best part about this process is that I feel in control.  I can tell my little experiment is working.  I change one thing, monitor it…and then decide is this trajectory is going in the direction that I want.  It’s pretty cool!  Very empowering!

I encourage you to become your own Experiment of One.  I guarantee you’ll like the results!  And, if you need help, let’s chat!

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