
Potato Poppers - the Perfect Workout Fuel!

Potato Poppers – the Perfect Exercise Fuel!

If you read Erin Green’s article on pre-workout fuel, you understand the important connection between good eating & great exercise.  And nowhere is that connection more important than during those looooong cardio workouts.  Sure, you can gnaw on a gritty PowerBar or slam a hard-to-swallow GU.  Or you could take real food with you!  Although

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The Power of Pre-Workout Fuel

“The Power of Pre-Workout Fuel” by Guest Contributor, Erin Green, Registered Dietician & Owner of Erin Green Racing & Nutrition

“Imagine powering through your workout with unyielding energy, enhanced focus, & the stamina to push through even the toughest intervals—sounds like a dream, right?  As a Registered Sports Dietitian & Coach, I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen people skip their pre-workout fuel only to hit a wall midway through their session.  Trust

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My Experience with a Brain Training Program

“My Experience with a ‘Brain Training’ Program” by Coach Michelle

In my early days of coaching, my interest in the body & what makes it perform well centered around the obvious:  muscles, bones, heart & lungs.  While there’s no doubting the importance of our cardiovascular & musculature systems, I now believe that there is one part of us that is by far The Most Important

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