Combining Mind & Body Enhances Learning

Mind vs Body

Which one is more important for learning?  It’s a great question…and generally our answer depends upon what we’re doing.

School learning?  Mind, right?
Sport learning?  Well…body, of course!

I recently read a groundbreaking book that supports my idea that combining mind & body enhances learning.  In his book, The Perfect Wrong Note:  Learning to Trust Your Musical Self, William Westney argues that integrating body movement with cerebral functions (like focus & intent) help us tap into a deeper learning power.  By combining the physical WITH the mental, we empower our innate ability to learn better, faster & more completely!

This is why I’m so excited about Nina Bradley’s swimming journey!  She engages not only the physical side of learning to swim, but also the cerebral side.  She asks loads of great questions…and, more importantly, she is hyper-aware of how each drill, each adjustment, each tweak makes her FEEL.  I believe, like Westney suggests, that combining mind & body enhances learning by making it better & faster.  If you can FEEL it, you can change it!  Way to go, Nina!

In Nina’s own words:

“As an adult swimmer taking beginner lessons, I am completely fascinated with the art moving efficiently through water.  I grew up enjoying the ‘cool off’ aspect of being in water, but never spent consistent time learning how to swim effectively for sport.  I simply avoided it because I didn’t find swimming understandable or comfortable.

At the end of 2022, I decided to take ‘the plunge’ – literally & figuratively!!  I began lessons with Coach Michelle & learned how to break each stroke down into its basic parts.  Slowly, very slowly I have conquered my trepidation of swimming!!

Because my athletic journey has primarily been focused on ballet, Pilates, yoga & running, I am used to dissecting how the body moves through space.  To that end, I have peppered Coach Michelle with questions about every step of the process.  It has been challenging not to have a mirror – to have no way of assessing the motion except for how it feels.  But little by little I am learning what quality movements FEEL like!

The process is both fun & hard for my Type A personality!  I’m coming to terms with the fact that one day it feels amazing & the next day I can’t seem to master basic skills.  This is a journey that is stretching both my body & my mind.  But I know it will result in another lifetime sport I can participate in!”


Coaching is a great way to work on your mind/body connection.  For more info, click here.

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