Tag Archives: macronutrients

“Are You Getting Enough Protein?” by Coach Michelle

I was recently chatting with a friend about macros (carbs, fats, proteins) & he mentioned something he had recently heard.  Basically, it was the idea that there are two groups of people at highest risk for not getting enough protein – young kids & older females.  Although I can’t back this up with any numbers,

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“From Bonking to Glucose Monitoring” by Guest Contributor, Sheree Keller, Triathlete

“I don’t know about you, but I have had my share of ‘bonking‘ episodes during endurance events.  Bonking refers to the depletion of glycogen or basically the condition in which your muscles run out of fuel.  This year I decided to get a handle on this by going from bonking to glucose monitoring.  I started

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