Author Archives: Coach Michelle - Performance High

What Makes an Athlete "Coachable"?

What Makes an Athlete “Coachable”?

Being “coachable” is one of those traits that we coaches look for.  It’s funny because you’d think that any athlete asking for help would be coachable.  If only that were true!!  So, what exactly makes an athlete “coachable”? What makes an athlete “coachable” is their ability to accept the methodology being presented, to ask questions

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Doing What's Necessary for Progress

Doing What’s Necessary for Progress

Some athletes are a coach’s dream…and some aren’t.  The dream ones are those who really embrace the process, ask probing questions, dig into the details & commit to the necessary work.  These are the athletes who don’t expect linear growth, don’t get derailed when their progress plateaus & don’t look for quick fixes.  They are

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Take a Planned Workout Break

“Take a Planned Workout Break” by Coach Michelle

For many athletes the 2024 race season is quickly coming to a close.  And when the last race comes & goes, the very next question is often “Now what?”  My answer?  Always, always, always take a planned workout break.  A planned workout break…what the heck does that mean…exactly?  Well, it means pretty much what it

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If You Want Something, Ya Gotta Practice It

“If You Want Something, Ya Gotta Practice It” by Coach Michelle

Sometimes the most basic concepts are the ones we need to hear…again…and again…and again.  I had that feeling while listening to Sept’s “Hour of Power” with Renee Yomtob of Athletic Mental Performance.  In her “Winning the Mental Game” talk she detailed six different modalities (hypnosis, Mental Emotional Release, yoga, breathwork, meditation & visualization) that can

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Creating an Environment for Success

“Setting Boundaries for Success” by Guest Contributor, Antonio Gonzalez, Owner of TriTown Bicycles

“Some time ago, I noticed something intriguing in our athlete onboarding process.  We pose a simple question:  ‘How many hours per week do you have available to train for this event?’  Most athletes fall within a reasonable range of 7 to 15 hours weekly.  But occasionally, we encounter outliers who have difficulties setting boundaries for

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