Category Archives: Coach Michelle

“Train Yourself Into & Out of Shape” by Coach Michelle

I’m sure many of you know The Byrds song, “Turn! Turn! Turn!”.  If you aren’t familiar with it, please take a listen…especially to those awesome lyrics!  The lyrics suggest that all things will change, nothing should stay the same & that life is about dynamic movement – “To everything turn! turn! turn!”  They perfectly sum

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“Are You Getting Enough Protein?” by Coach Michelle

I was recently chatting with a friend about macros (carbs, fats, proteins) & he mentioned something he had recently heard.  Basically, it was the idea that there are two groups of people at highest risk for not getting enough protein – young kids & older females.  Although I can’t back this up with any numbers,

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“What’s On Your Challenge List?” by Coach Michelle

I need a challenge.  And I’m guessing you need a challenge too.  Let’s face it – humans love challenges.  We see something that seems impossible (like going to the moon) & we work until we find a way to do it.  Challenges stretch our limits, test our commitment, instill a sense of purpose & lend

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Making Those “aha-mazing” Connections

I ask a lot of my clients…especially my swimmers.  I ask them to stop swimming full stroke & just drill, drill, drill for weeks on end.  It’s a tough challenge…and not everyone is up to the task.  But for those that are…they eventually make the eye-opening connection between those drills & what will ultimately be

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“It’s Time To Do a Post-Race Analysis” by Coach Michelle

So, you trained for your race.  You did your race.  And now what?  It’s time to do a post-race analysis! After a day or two of enjoying the post-race glow, the next thing to do is a thorough post-race analysis.  To me, this is one of the most important pieces of performance enhancement.  Taking time

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