Category Archives: Athlete Spotlight

Amazing Performances Are Like an Iceberg

Amazing Performances Are Like an Iceberg

Although I love watching sports…well…at least certain sports like cycling, all Olympic events, swimming, motocross…the downside is that you can easily be lulled into thinking that the athletes experience exciting, heroic moments on a regular basis.  Truth be told, amazing performances of any kind are like an iceberg:  the visible part is extremely small whereas

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Transform From a “Newbie” Into an “Athlete”

One of the most rewarding experiences I have as a coach is witnessing client transformations.  Sometimes that happens in just a few months…but more commonly, it’s a multi-year process.  Watching someone transform from a “newbie” into an “athlete”, seeing them gain confidence in their own abilities & helping them shift their goals from broad-based “I

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