Category Archives: Coach Michelle

Four Key Habits to Improve Performance

“Four Key Habits to Improve Performance” by Coach Michelle

If you’re like most athletes one of your primary goals is to improve performance.  No matter how you define it – getting faster, getting leaner, getting stronger – athletes focus upward.  But improving performance requires that we do things just a bit different than the average.  It requires that we adopt small, but powerful, key

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Making Loud, Obnoxious "Juicy Mistakes"

“Making Loud, Obnoxious ‘Juicy Mistakes’!” by Coach Michelle

On Sun AM’s I coach 1-hr group technique sessions.  I look forward to these sessions every week primarily because we have time to experiment with all sorts of different ways to learn a skill.  Last session we worked making loud, obnoxious “juicy mistakes”.  What…you don’t know what “juicy mistakes” are?  Well, it’s a learning technique

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perceptions - real or not real

“Perceptions – Real or Not Real?” by Coach Michelle

Perceptions – real or not real?  That is the question!  The older I get the better I understand that the most helpful concepts are often counter intuitive.  Just think about the last time you were introduced to an idea that was 180-deg opposite of what you initially thought.  What did you do?  Bury your head

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“What’s the ‘Right’ Training Program?” by Coach Michelle

In my most recent “Hour of Power” chat with registered dietician & elite athlete, Erin Green, she was asked “What is the ‘right’ diet?”  Great question!  (Side Note:  If you’d like to hear her answer, click here…it starts at about 27:45).  That question resonated with me because I get asked the exercise version ALL the

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“Making Mistakes Makes You Better” by Coach Michelle

It’s no secret that many endurance athletes identify with Type A, perfectionist-oriented personality traits.  Heck…I’m definitely one of them (as evidenced by how many times I rewrote that 1st sentence…at least 6 times!)  We’re the folks who set high, often unattainable goals, we expect to get it “right” (the first time) & we’re highly critical

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“Part 2: Top 3 Must-Do, Do-Not-Miss Mobility Exercises” by Coach Michelle

Last week I did a recap of my Top 3 favorite strength exercises (click here to read it) for time-crunched athletes.  Done together they efficiently & quite effectively work your whole body – top to bottom, front to back.  So, you think you don’t have enough time to lift…think again!  With these 3 exercises you

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“Part 1: Top 3 Must-Do, Do-Not-Miss Strength Exercises” by Coach Michelle

In Feb’s “Hour of Power”, I chatted with Dr. Corey DuPont, PT, DPT about pain, rehab, decreasing injury risk & improving athletic performance.  It was a fun & informative chat which you can listen to here.  Several attendees asked Dr. Corey what his top do-not-miss, must-do strength & mobility exercises are for time-crunched athletes.  Great

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“Revisit the 80/20 Rule for Endurance Training” by Coach Michelle

OK, endurance athletes.  Remember the 80/20 Rule?  I know I sure do because it’s been around FOR-EVER.  The 80/20 Rule suggests that endurance athletes spend 80% of their time training at low intensity & 20% of their time training at moderate to high intensity.  Pretty basic!  And as a general prescription for training…it’s actually quite

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